About Buzz Busters

Welcome to Buzz Busters, a No Fly Zone! We are a passionate team dedicated to creating a safer and more enjoyable outdoor experience for you and your loved ones. Born out of a commitment to health and the environment, we've launched our organic mosquito and tick control company to provide effective yet eco-friendly solutions.


At Buzz Busters, we understand the importance of enjoying your outdoor spaces without the worry of pesky mosquitoes and ticks. Our products are 100% all-natural ingredients, harnessing the power of Mother Nature to keep these nuisances at bay. We believe in striking the perfect balance between protecting your family and preserving the environment.


With a focus on sustainability and results, our innovative solutions are designed to create a protective barrier around your home, ensuring that you can savor every moment outdoors without compromising on your well-being. Join us on this journey towards a greener, healthier future, and let Buzz Busters be your trusted partner in organic mosquito and tick control. Embrace the outdoors with confidence – naturally!